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Monday 4 May 2020

The beginning of new era ( agro- forestry) in village Bandrai

The beginning of new era ( agro- forestry) in village Bandrai.

Plantations of trees is important as they improve the life and fulfil essential needs of mankind.

By growing trees alongside crops, village Bandrai  farmer  Pt. Kamal Dev Sharma S/O Shri. Durga Dass R/O Bandrai is boosting income while saving the environment.

He selected a Eucalyptus based Agro-forestry on small scale in village Bandrai. It is not about modern industrialised monoculture farming, but developing multi-crop diversity.

It has been observed that eucalyptus plant is beneficial to the associated crop.The major objective of agro-forestry is to optimize production and economic returns per unit area, while respecting the principle of sustainable development.

Safeda have been planted for environmental purposes as well as for wood for hundreds of years. It was only with the technological advances of the second half of the 20th century that the value of eucalyptus wood increased, giving rise to the birth of a new science called agro forestry or
Safeda Farming  for the purposes of wood production.

Safada are also known as (green filters), to restore eroded ground of nearby stream to protect crops against floods in Monsoon season to restore gravel beds and help in  producing  biomass for generating green energy or bioenergy, to provide shade and to make the landscape more attractive. It provides a fast growing source of wood fiber and quick returns of the plantation.

Eucalyptos wood is the most
preferred raw material for Ply & Board Industries , Paper Industries, matchsticks , Partical boards, boxes for packaging sports good and pencils etc. It's waste roots are also used by brick making industry (BMI)  in brick kiln.

Today, the poorest people of village Bandrai are lived in the richest forested areas of the district Rajouri. We need to move beyond conservation to sustainable management of this resource. But we can do this only if we can grow trees, cut them and then plant them again. So,  I'm really happy to see the
beginning of new era
of agro-forestry in my village Bandrai. Thanks to pt. Kamal Dev sharma


  1. Well done They can control runoff and soil erosion, thereby reducing losses of water, soil material, organic matter and nutrients.
    They can maintain soil organic matter and biological activity at levels satisfactory for soil fertility.

  2. Kamel g bahoot bediya
    kaam hai

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