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Wednesday 9 May 2018

Swallow / ram pyari

Kingdom – Animalia
Phylum – Chordate
Class – Aves
Order – Passeriformes
Family – Hirundinidae
Genus – Hirundo
Species – H. rustica

        Hirundo rustica is commonly known as swallow and in Dogri it is called Ram pyari. It is small bird and is about 12 to 13cm in length; glossy blue black, deep rusty red chin patch and white underneath, pointed wings and streamlined bodies develop for fast flight. It is  most familiar bird of Bandrai village. These are useful to agriculture by destroying large number of insect and pests therefore these birds are tolerate by farmer of our village.

Swallow are insectivores, catching a variety of insects like flies, beetles, wasps, bugs, grasshoppers, but they also eat some berries and seeds.

  Swallow build a cup shaped nest out of mud and straw inside the barns, stables and outbuildings. The farmer of our village believed that if the birds build a nest on the roof of your home, it is thought to be lucky and to be protective against fire, lightning and storms. If you disturb or break the nest it is a sign of misfortune.

   Swallow is my favorite bird; it is busy and active bird. For me it is a symbol of freedom, faith, hope, love, care and affection towards family and friends.